Fr. Lenny’s Sermon – Proper 14 – 2018

This past Sunday, we concluded our dive into the lives of Samuel and King David. We leave on a somewhat minor note, as we see that even though we are spared the eternal consequences of forgiven sin, the temporal consequences often impact beyond our own lives. But hard as this is to accept, the existence of hardship is often a mercy, as God is giving us time to see his goodness and come to repentance.


Fr. Lenny’s Sermon – Proper 14 – 2018

Fr. Lenny’s Sermon(s) – Propers 12 & 13 – 2018

The past 2 Sundays we’ve seen King David sin and seen him repent. For whatever reason the lectionary peeps skipped God’s absolution of David (???), so I made sure we got to hear those comfortable words. David’s is cautionary tale in this instance about sin, imperfect leaders, and God’s grace. May we always respond with a penitent heart when our Lord speaks a judgment, trusting in his mercy through the work of Christ by the Spirit.


Proper 12


Proper 13

Fr. Lenny’s Sermon(s) – Propers 12 & 13 – 2018